Frequently Asked Questions
Academic Advising
Do I come to SDS for my academic advising?
Academic Probation/Suspension/Dismissal
I have been placed on academic probation/suspension/dismissal. How do I appeal that decision?
Admission Requirements
I have a disability and don’t quite meet the requirements for admission to the University. Can SDS help me?
Appeal Process: Academic and Disability-Related
What should I do if I want to appeal an academic or accommodation decision?
What should I do if I cannot attend class because of my disability?
Conduct of Students
What happens if my disability causes me to act in a way that may be inappropriate?
How does the University protect my confidentiality?
Course Waivers and Substitutions
Can I get some of my courses waived or substituted even if they are required for my degree?
Emotional Support Animals
Are there any special regulations for an Emotional Support Animal on campus?
Funding Opportunities
Where can I get additional funding to help me through school?
How can I get accommodations on my GRE, PRAXIS, GMAT, etc?
IEP (Individualized Education Plan) or 504 Plan
Is my Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan from high school enough documentation to get accommodations?
Instructor Notification of a Disability
How will my instructors know that I have a disability and will need accommodations?
Will SDS help manage and arrange my medication while I’m a student at The University of Mississippi?
New Student Orientation
Is there a special orientation session for new students with disabilities?
Temporary Injuries/Illnesses
What is the policy on Temporary Injuries and Illnesses?
Where do I go if I need tutoring in one of my classes?
Visitors with Disabilities
I have a disability and will need assistance when I visit the Oxford campus. Who do I contact about making those arrangements?
Vocational Rehabilitation Information
What is Vocational Rehabilitation and how can it help me with my disability?