Accessible Format and Assistive Technology
- Accessible PDF
- Accessible Word Doc
- EPub
- MP3 Audio
- Braille
- Magnification
- Tactile
- If you have difficulty listening to the accessible format on your device, you may email the Adaptive Technology Specialist for assistance.
- Accessible format is processed on a first-in, first-out basis.
- Accessible format is considered a free service.
- Accessible format does not have to be returned at the end of the semester unless an exception is specifically made by the Adaptive Technology Specialist.
- JAWS Screen Reader
- Kurzweil 1000 Literacy Software for Blind
- Zoomtext Magnifier/Reader
- Read and Write Gold Literacy Software
- Dragon Naturally Speaking Dictation Software
- Dolphin Easy Reader DAISY Player
- Sorenson nTouch Videophone
- Wheelchair Accessible Tables
- CCTV Desktop Magnifiers
- Portable Magnifiers
- DAISY Audio Players
- FM Systems
- Microphones for Real-Time Captioning
- Braille Embosser
- Livescribe Echo Smartpens

Usually all assistive technology hardware is checked out for the entire semester and must be returned by the last day of finals, unless an exception is specifically made by the Assistive Technology Specialist. There is a list of what is in the container for the device checked out for the semester. If anything is missing or damaged from the container upon return of the assistive technology device, the student is responsible for the cost of replacement of any missing or damaged items unless an exception is made by the Adaptive Technology Specialist. If the missing or damaged item is not paid for, a hold can be placed on the student account which will prevent you from registering for future classes and from getting a transcript, until the missing item is paid in full.
- Flat-bed Scanners
- Printers
- Weir Hall Lab (Click for Map)
- JD Williams Library (Click for Map)
- Science Library (Click for Map)